The new OneDrive 64bit client is far from finished and should not be used in a production environment. If we take a look at the build number to start with, the currently released build for the Insiders ring is 20.219.x where the 64-bit version is at 20.249.x.
64Bit) ISZ
Now, due to the limitation of memory usage with 32bit chip that it can only support 4GB of RAM, x86 was then extended to be used on 64 bit chip, so basically now the same architecture (instructions set) was used to build a chip that used 64bit to represent a number, hence 64bit chip. Initially it was called x86-64 and later reduced to x64 which meant that x86 is the architecture on a 64bit chip.
I've tried looking at the platform module, but it seems only to tell you about "the bit architecture and the linkage format used for the executable". My binary is compiled as 64bit (I'm running on OS X 10.6), so it seems to always report 64bit even though I'm using the methods described here to force 32bit mode.
Notes: There can be builds with gcc option -mx32 or so, which are 64bit architecture applications, but use 32bit pointers as default (saving memory and speed). 'sys.maxsize = ssize_t' may not strictly represent the C pointer size (its usually 2**31 - 1 anyway). And there were/are systems which have different pointer sizes for code and data and it needs to be clarified what exactly is the purpose of discerning "32bit or 64bit mode?"
I'm trying to deploy a site to a 64bit OS. I'm deploying to IIS6. The site was developed on a 32bit server. The site deployed correctly however it's trying to access a COM component and that is failing.
In 64bit-versions, Microsoft deploys additional software. For example, there are two versions of Internet Explorer (64 and 32bit). Another example is the whole runtime system for Win32-applications.Also, binary code will get bigger.Probably the sum of this these makes the big difference.
A simple method is to run it (assuming you trust it) and take a look at the process tab in task manager. 32bit processes will show "* 32" at the end of the process name. If it's not something your willing to run on your computer you can try EXE Explorer. It will show a whole bunch of info on executables including if it's 32 or 64bit.
If you want to scan a folder structure for 32/64 bit DLL's or executables, you can also try a free tool called ScanFor64bit, found at: -toolsScanFor64bit allows you to enter a drive-letter or directory-path and one or more filemasks to scan for 32 or 64 bitness.The result is a list sorted by 32bit files first and 64bit second.I have used it a lot to check computers with Java to make sure the 64 bit version is used.
From personal experience testing from my home computers, 32bit seems to perform better. 64bit is meant to be faster, but a VM is generally slower because it is basically a "fake computer", not a real one. There are some differences between virtualization, which is what Linode is, and emulation (virtualization is much closer to running a real computer via a software program, and doesn't rely on hardware as much for virtualizing the fake machine), but the fact still remains that it isn't a real computer, and will not perform as well as a real computer.
I do realize some computers can be designed with high-performance virtualization in mind, but even with those, I'd still be cautious about 64bit -- since it's meant for better speed, it will try to push the machine to work faster, so generally doesn't work as well in a VM.
How to check if your Oracle CLIENT software is 32-bit or 64-bit===================================================On Windows:===========Option 1:If you're logged into SQL Plus, the banner will tell you 64-bit if the 64-bit version is installed. If it does not specify 64-bit, then it is 32-bit (even though it does not explicitly say so).Open a Windows command (cmd) prompt and run:sqlplus / as sysdbaIf nothing is found on your the machine, then the client is not installed.or...Rt-Click on Computer ---> Properties --> Advanced system settings -->Advanced Tab ---> Environment Variables --> then check Path Option in the System variables to see Oracle client HOME dir.Option 2:Bring up a command line into the Oracle client directory. In the Oracle client directory, there should be a bin folder. In the bin folder, there should be an executable called tnsping.exeIf you run this utility without any command line options it will tell you what version is installed. The bit level shown is the bit level of the Oracle client. This will display client information and should note 64-bit or 32-bit.Option 3:If the two directories $ORACLE_HOME/lib32 and $ORACLE_HOME/lib are existing then it is 64-bit. If there is only an ORACLE_HOME/lib directory then it is a 32-bit client.*Note: In newer versions of the client, the library is not included and this directory may not exist.Option 4:a. Open the Registry by selecting Start Run and entering REGEDITb. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Softwarec. Check for an Oracle node. Verify the ORACLE_HOME variable.-- If found this indicates that the client specified here is 64bit. Note the path of the ORACLE_HOME variable and the name.d. Further, check to see if there's a WOW6432Node node. If so, does that have an Oracle node within it? Verify if there is also an ORACLE_HOME variable also.-- If found, this indicates that the client specified here is 32-bit.? Note the path of the ORACLE_HOME variable and the name.When accessing the Oracle client, make sure you're accessing the correct client based off the HOME name and the PATH.On UNIX/Linux:============Option 1:If you see the "64bit" string in V$VERSION it means Oracle 64-bit is running.SQL> select * from v$version;BANNER----------------------------------------------------------------Oracle Database 10g Release - 64bit ProductionPL/SQL Release - ProductionCORE ProductionTNS for Linux: Version - ProductionNLSRTL Version - ProductionIf you have NO "64bit" string in V$VERSION it means Oracle 32-bit is running.Option 2:cd $ORACLE_HOME/binRun the command:file sqlplusORfile sqlldrORfile expdpNote: As the Oracle client should always match the Oracle database server bit level if it says 32-bit and you are running a 64-bit OS you can expect problems.
until now, SAP GUI for Windows is only available as a 32bit version with the exception being the 64bit versions of the automation controls (Logon Control, Table Factory Control, BAPI Control and Function Control) that we introduced in SAP GUI for Windows 7.70.
Regardless of this, we keep getting requests for full 64bit support in SAP GUI for Windows and thus decided to implement, deliver and support such a version. For us this comes with a very high effort, because SAP GUI is huge in terms of codebase, but also when it comes to integrating third party content (which also needs adjustments).
When we started the project about a year ago we were uncertain whether we would be successful, but now I am running a 64bit version on my device since months without major issues and I can watch the functional scope keeping to grow and grow.At this point of time in the project lifetime we have reached a level of certainty that allows me to tell you that we are very likely going to have a 64bit version in SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 (scheduled delivery Q1/2023).
In our project still a lot remains to be done, but we have already achieved a lot and the present version is very promising. Therefore, we decided once more to offer a Beta Program for SAP GUI for Windows 8.00 with the main focus area being the 64bit version. We will run this program in July 2022 and likely call for participation in April or May 2022. Therefore, stay tuned!
no, this won't change - at least not due to the creation of a 64bit version of SAP GUI for Windows.And since the SAPscript integration is not directly a topic handled by the SAP GUI team, I do not want to answer your question (not that I could...).
But regarding the 3rd party software you refer to: At the moment it is not entirely certain whether the SAPScript Legacy Components (this is probably what you refer to) will make it into the 64bit world.
these are not SAP GUI restrictions, but restrictions of the server / the programming model overall.SAP GUI cannot do anything about this and a 64bit version won't change this either.You always need to keep in mind: SAP GUI displays what the server tells it to display.Simply put: If we get a wide screen, we display it wide, if we get a narrow screen, we display it narrow.The automatic wide rendering that was introduced in Belize (when SAP Fiori features are on) is also not a SAP GUI feature, but an SAP Kernel feature. The SAP Kernel / Application is doing all the layouting.
from installation (NWSAPSetup) perspective, the 64bit version of SAP GUI for Windows is a different "product". This is needed for several reasons (foremost one because the 32bit version still exists) and this also means that you cannot upgrade automatically. You first need to uninstall the 32bit version and the associated components and then you can install the 64bit version. 2ff7e9595c