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With Instant Church Directory, gone are the days of printing and distributing a church directory that is immediately outdated. You CAN produce a professional church photo directory yourself in just hours.


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The Ecumenical Directory 41 recommends that the bishop appoint a diocesan officer for ecumenism who is to be a close collaborator with, and counsellor to, the bishop in ecumenical matters. It also proposes that he establish a diocesan commission for ecumenism to assist him in implementing the ecumenical teaching of the Church as set out in its documents and in the directives of the episcopal conference or synod (42-45). The ecumenical officer and members of the ecumenical commission can be important points of contact with other Christian communities and may represent the bishop in ecumenical meetings. In order to ensure that Catholic parishes are also fully engaged ecumenically in their locality, many bishops have found it helpful to encourage the appointment of parish ecumenical officers as envisaged in the Ecumenical Directory (45 & 67).

While the texts produced by ecumenical dialogues do not constitute official teaching documents of the churches involved, their reception into the life of Christian communities helps all to reach a deeper understanding and appreciation of the mysteries of faith.

Where the diocesan bishop discerns that it will not cause scandal or confusion to the faithful, he may offer other Christian communities the use of a church. Particular discernment is required in the case of the diocesan cathedral. The Ecumenical Directory (137) envisages such situations in which a Catholic diocese comes to the aid of another community which is without its own place of worship or liturgical objects to worthily celebrate its ceremonies. Likewise, in many contexts Catholic communities are the recipients of similar hospitality from other Christian communities. Such sharing of resources can build trust and deepen mutual understanding between Christians.

The Salvation Army has its roots in mid-19th century England, as a mission movement for the poor and marginalized. The founder, William Booth, was a Methodist minister. The Salvation Army operates in 124 countries. Its membership includes more than 17,000 active and more than 8,700 retired officers, over 1 million soldiers, around 100,000 other employees and more than 4.5 million volunteers. Salvationists can be classified as Evangelical Christians who do not practise any sacraments. A series of informal ecumenical conversations between Salvationists and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity began in 2007 in Middlesex, United Kingdom. There were a total of five meetings ending in 2012. A summary of the international dialogue was published by the Salvation Army in 2014 under the title Conversations with the Catholic Church.

The Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) is a fellowship of over 90 Protestant churches which have signed the Leuenberg Agreement. Its aim is to implement church fellowship through common witness and service. Membership consists of most of the Lutheran and Reformed churches in Europe, the United churches originating from mergers of those churches, the Waldensian Church, and the European Methodist churches. Some European churches have remained outside the fellowship, such as the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and the Church of Sweden. In a worship service in Basel on 16 September 2018, the CPCE and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity committed to begin an official dialogue on the theme of church and church communion.

b) In developing this community sense, catechesis takes special note of the ecumenical dimension and encourages fraternal attitudes toward members of other Christian churches and ecclesial communities. Thus catechesis in pursuing this objective should give a clear exposition of all the Church's doctrine and avoid formulations or expressions that might give rise to error. It also implies "a suitable knowledge of other confessions", (266) with which there are shared elements of faith: "the written word of God, the life of grace, faith, hope and charity, and the other interior gifts of the Holy Spirit". (267) Catechesis will possess an ecumenical dimension in the measure in which it arouses and nourishes "a true desire for unity", (268) not easy irenicism, but perfect unity, when the Lord himself wills it and by those means by which he wishes that it should be brought about.

213. Inculturation is a task for the particular churches and is referred to by all areas of the Christian life. Precisely because of the nature of inculturation which takes place in concrete and specific circumstances, "a legitimate attention to the particular Churches cannot but enrich the Church. It is indeed pressing and indispensable". (128) To this end, and most opportunely, Episcopal Conferences, almost everywhere, are proposing Catechetical Directories (and analogous instruments), catechisms and aids, work-shops and centres of formation. In the light of what has been expressed in the present Directory, an updating and revision of local directories becomes necessary. This should stimulate competition between centres of research, whilst availing of the experience of catechists and encouraging the participation of the people of God.

The Department of Attorney General only accepts service of process of lawsuits naming Attorney General Dana Nessel or the Michigan Department of Attorney General as defendants. Lawsuits naming other state officers and state agencies, like the Governor or the Michigan Department of Treasury, must be served directly on the state officer or state agency. The Department of Attorney General will not accept service for other officers or agencies unless they give explicit authorization to do so in a specific case. The exception to this rule is that the Department will accept service of process for lawsuits filed under the Wrongful Imprisonment Compensation Act.

The Criminal Trials and Appeals Division is responsible for conducting criminal investigations and prosecutions, prosecuting cases developed and referred by State agencies, representing and advising the licensing authority for police officers, and serving as the liaison and providing assistance to county prosecutors. Additional duties include:

The Office of Vital Congregations is currently welcoming inquiries to join our 2023 cohort of participating churches and presbyteries. Those interested are encouraged to contact the Vital Congregations office to begin the application-less enrollment process.Reach the team by telephone at 800-728-7228 or by emailing

What grows marriages? Focusing on the two of you and being in community!The Marriage Course includes seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. Some couples do the course to intentionally invest in their relationship, others are looking to address more specific challenges. Either way, the course offers essential tools and practical ideas to help you build a relationship that lasts a lifetime. The Marriage Course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background.

We believe that unity at this time is more important than ever. Several churches in the area are partnering together to offer space for students to begin the process of healing. We will have several grief and trauma specialists on site this Sunday evening at our Orion Campus (4640 S Lapeer Rd Lake Orion, MI 48359) from 5-6:30pm and will have a night of prayer, worship and an opportunity for students to process with each other.

The Marriage Course offers essential tools and practical ideas to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage. Strengthen your communication and gain a deeper understanding of your partner. The Marriage Course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background.REGISTER 2ff7e9595c


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