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Explore the World of Globe Knots with the Pdf Cookbook by Don Burrhus


At the same time as purchasing the above Turks head cookbook, I also decided to get myself a copy of the Globe Knot Cookbook. This book also started off with very simple globe knots. As you work your way through the book, the Globe knots become more complex, not only in the number of facets but also in the actual shape of the globe knot.

Globe Knot Cookbook Pdf

Every effort has been made to ensure that the knots shown are correct. The knots shown should not be used for lifting heavy objects or life saving. Always seek professional advice when using knots and splices.

My wife, finally tired of having my practice globe knots lying around the house, decided to put them all in a decorative glass jar. Since the jar is not full, I thought, "Challenge Accepted!" Thank you for posting this, as I can now add another variation to the display.

Knot is a 3D Celtic Knot generation and rendering application for exploring different types of randomly generated knots. The program allows you to: generate random 2D and 3D Celtic knots, rendered in 3D, dynamically change knot attributes like thread thickness, size, weave height, etc., color the knot threads to distinguish different loops, and more.

The Cooks Palate cookbook software has been designed to help you get started on your cookbook project quickly.Features and Benefits include :- Add unlimited recipes- Automatically scale recipes- Powerful key word and ingredient search- Generate shopping lists from recipes- Sample recipes and cookbooks included- Design cookbooks using templates

Besides a huge number of globe knots, he also describes how to tie variants, such as dog bone shaped knots, globes with one or two necks, and so on. Also many of these globe knots can be nicely tightened into cubes, cylinders, etc.

I have been amazed at how popular these knots are. Kids love them for zipper pulls, and giving them away especially to kids is just wonderful. I prefer to leave a loop out in the middle of the knot, tighten the rest and hide the ends for zipper pulls, so the loop remains an unbroken cord and the whole thing looks clean. But other variants which are well received are to knot or braid the loose ends to make the attachment, or to leave the loose ends on opposite sides of the globe for a bracelet or necklace.

The knot in the photo was tied tight without leaving a loose loop, and the ends are hidden, so it looks like a pure globe. Pretty cool, but the ones with loops for attaching them to a zipper pull or keychain or lanyard or whatnot seem to be more popular.

A globe knot is a form of Turk's head knot that can be tied to cover a sphere. The standard way to tie a globe knot is to tie the knot around a cylindrical mandrel, then transfer the knot to a ball that you want to cover. In this instructable I'll show you how to tie a 320 facet globe knot by 3D printing a model of one and directly tying the knot around it. For great instructions on how to tie many different globe knots using a mandrel I recommend The Globe Knot Cookbook, by Don Burrhus: _kit.html

The model of the globe knot can be ordered from my Shapeways shop: I recommend getting it in the white, strong and flexible material as we'll be sticking pins in it. When I received mine, there was a lot of white powder still in the middle, so I recommend rinsing it in water to get it out. Then let it dry before you begin tying. Or, if you have a 3D printer you can print the attached stl file. You'll also want some T-pins and some kind of small diameter cord. I'll be using lacrosse crosslace which can be ordered online in many different colors:

Stick a bunch of pins in between strands. I used 40 pins total. I put 20 on the top and 20 on the bottom and placed them where the bights would be if tied around a cylinder. Once I started tying it I realized I probably should have just evenly distributed them around the knot. So you can do whatever seems easiest, but you'll be using the pins to keep your cord in place while you weave the knot.

Now cut about 12 feet of cord and start tying the knot. I recommend starting half way through the length of your cord to limit how much you have to pull through every time you go under. When you run out of cord one way, just pick up the other end and start going around the other way. Just weave the knot exactly how the model goes. Make sure to go over or under depending on what the model does.

I learned the knot from J.D.Lenzen, who made a video tutorial on it. The knot was fairly intimidating to me, but it is in fact very simple. In essence it is a woven knot. I have found this knot to be best tied on a mandrel (a PVC pipe in my case).

A globe knot is tied so that it covers a spherical object. There are a huge number of possible globe knots. I'll be showing you how to tie one with 30 facets, or 30 sections of cord that show on the surface of the knot. In this case it's the same as the number of crossings, but that's not always the case. A globe knot is tied around a knot mandrel before being transferred to your spherical object, followed through the desired number of times and then tightened down to complete the knot. In the following video, I demonstrate the whole process using a mandrel that I make and sell, which has the knot pattern engraved into it. You can purchase the mandrel and others from my shop (see how they're made here). In the following steps, I'll show you how to make your own mandrel using cardboard and T-pins, along with free software to get the pattern.

A knot mandrel is just a cylindrical object, often with holes in it for sticking pins in. Many different materials work for a mandrel. In the following steps, I'll be demonstrating with rolled up cardboard, but any of these options can be adapted to work as well.

Pool noodles work great because toothpicks can be used for pins and can be placed anywhere. You're stuck with a limited number of diameters, which is fine, but can take longer to tighten down your knot if you're transferring it to a much smaller object.

PVC is a very sturdy material which is perfect if you want it to be reusable, but requires more work to stick pins in it. Sometimes people avoid using pins and instead use rubber bands to hold the bights of the knot. I recommend drilling holes and getting some threaded pins to keep your knot secure.

This woven knot ball would make a unique gift as a pendant, keychain or something to fiddle with. A single stainless steel strand weaves and twists around into a continuous loop. The strands don't touch were they cross so they can move a small amount, which causes it to have a distinct chime when rolled on the ground or table.

This globe knot is woven around with a single strand that crosses itself 320 times before returning to the beginning to form a continuous loop. The ball is 2.4" (62mm) in diameter and is made out of stainless steel.

The knot pattern was generated with software that I've written called the Advanced Grid Maker. Knot tyers all over the world use it to generate instructions for tying these types of knots (Turk's head and Turk's head-like knots). The tool was originally designed for myself to use, so the interface leaves much to be desired, but it can do a lot (I'll clean it up eventually and embed it into future knot posts). An infinite number of knots can be created with this tool, and by using the following steps as a guide, you can create a mandrel for any Turk's head or Turk's head-like knot. You can use it yourself here. You can skip this section if you like by saving and printing this image.

To get the 30 Facet Globe Knot pattern above, you'll need to set a few options. First, next to the Pineapple Grid button, set the Nested Bights option to 2. Then, click the Pineapple Grid button. You can increase the number of nested bights to create a bigger knot.

Scroll down until you see the knot grid and use the mouse to click and drag the bottom right corner until the grid is 10 rows x 12 columns. You may also notice a little further down it says that the knot takes 1 strand to tie and has 30 facets and 30 crossings. You can drag the grid to other dimensions as well, but you'll want to make sure the left and right side of the grid match up to form a complete knot.

Now we need to size the knot, so when we print it out it's sized for our mandrel. I'm using a 1 inch diameter mandrel about 2 inches tall. When making one out of cardboard the exact dimensions aren't too important because you'll be rolling the cardboard to fit whatever your pattern's dimension is. Just make sure the diameter is the same or larger than the ball you want to cover. It's much easier to tighten down your knot than to stretch it out once it's tied. To start sizing the knot, scroll to the top and click the Stretch button.

Now scroll back down to the knot grid and when you click and drag the bottom corner, the knot will be stretched rather than resized. Stretch it until the dimensions say roughly 1 inch in diameter x 2 inches tall.

You can adjust the color of the knot by changing the color and shadow color options near the top. I used white for color and gray for shadow color. You can list multiple colors with spaces in between and if your knot is multiple strands the strands will cycle through all the listed colors (this one is a single strand, so you won't see anything change if listing multiple colors).

To save the image of the grid, you can click the View As Image button below the dimensions and knot info under the knot grid. After clicking the button, the image will be displayed just above the button. You can right click on the image and save it.

Print out the image from the previous step. Cut out the knot so that the edges of the knot pattern can be joined together after being wrapped around your mandrel. Roll your piece of cardboard into a cylinder (or as close as you can), sizing it so that you can wrap the knot pattern around it. Tape the pattern using any clear tape. Place T-pins under each bight of the knot. Now you're ready to start tying the knot! 2ff7e9595c


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