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Star Wars Darth Plagueis Ebook Free 15


While Vader led the 501st Legion's attack on the Jedi Temple, Sidious ordered the rest of the clone troopers to execute Order 66, declaring every Jedi an enemy of the Republic.[19] Order 66 activated the biochips within the clones, who were programmed to kill the Jedi for treason against the state.[102] Despite serving and forming deep relationships with the Jedi,[17] the activation of their biochips by Sidious, immediately and forcibly brainwashed them into believing that the Jedi were traitors to the Republic that needed to be executed,[103] resulting in the start of the Great Jedi Purge. The Jedi were consequently betrayed and gunned down by their soldiers, although some managed to survive such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda,[19] and Caleb Dume.[104] Sidious also used Order 66 to compel Clone Commander CT-7567 "Rex" to eliminate the former Jedi Ahsoka Tano, along with his former apprentice Maul who had been captured and brought to Coruscant by the 501st Legion. However, both attempts were unsuccessful as Tano freed Maul, and then subsequently freed Rex of the mind control by removing his biochip.[103]

In the meantime, a Twi'lek task force reached the ship disguised as a repair team and placed explosive charges in the hyperdrive chamber, to trigger a chain reaction. After discovering the sabotage and realizing that the ship was doomed, Vader contacted the Emperor. The Emperor informed Vader that he had prepared a second shuttle either as a contingency or because he had foreseen the destruction of the first shuttle and told Vader to meet him there. However, Vader delayed his arrival by a few minutes in an attempt to find and eliminate the saboteurs. The Twi'lek rebels just barely managed to escape, and so Vader hurried to the Emperor's shuttle, which departed as soon as Vader was aboard. A few minutes later, the Perilous exploded. Once in space, the fugitive task force searched for the Imperial shuttle and caught up with it. Vader Force-choked the resistance pilot of the pursuing ship through the shuttle viewport. In a desperate attempt to get free from Vader's grasp and to kill both him and the Emperor, the Twi'leks rammed the stolen starship into the Imperial shuttle, critically damaging the latter. Vader attempted to regain control of the shuttle while Sidious remembered they had already been in situations like this. Thanks to the piloting skills of Vader the shuttle crash-landed on Ryloth's surface, in the middle of a forest.[116]

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